Kula Kai in the Moku ‘O Kula
This signage project was designed to bring awareness and revitalize the traditional Hawaiian names of the ahupua‘a within the Moku of Kula, more specifically to Kula Kai (now known as Kihei or South Maui).
The idea for this signage project was first introduced by Maui County Council Member Kelly King to the Kihei Community Association and ʻAha Moku ʻO Kula Kai Council in February 2017. With the support from King and a cultural heritage grant from the County of Maui Office of Economic Development; Vernon Kalanikau (a representative of AMOKKC) took the initiative as Director of the project to create, design, do research and development, and coordinate group discussions and outreach.
Vernon brought together a small group who worked on the design of the signs. They decided what iconic images should be used. They gathered knowledge from as many people as they could – people who had local knowledge or remembered stories from their areas.
Each sign has the name of the moku on top and the name of the ahupua‘a below. The graphics show the food or other resources gathered from the wetlands, land or sea within the ahupua‘a.
The first sign was installed in October 2018 at Kenolio Park on the edge of Pūlehunui ahupua‘a in the moku of Kula. More signs were then added along South Kihei Road. In April 2019, the last signs in South Maui were placed on Pi‘ilani Highway.