Maui Nui Ahupua‘a Signage Project installs first sign in Kula Uka in the Moku ‘O Kula
A blessing and installation of the first Maui Nui Ahupua‘a Project sign in the Kula Uka was held on September 6, 2022. The first sign, located on the northern boundary of the ‘A‘apueo Ahupua‘a at the corner of Kula Highway and ‘A‘apueo Parkway in Pukalani, is one of 34 signs that will be installed this year.

Mayor Victorino announces grant awards for Hawaiian cultural event and community awareness
Brilliant Minds Media launches educational videos showcasing the Ahupua‘a system
Brilliant Minds Media Inc. has released a series of three educational videos to help raise awareness of the traditional Hawaiian culture of the Ahupua‘a system. The videos are part of the Maui Nui Ahupua‘a Project, a community-based, collaborative signage program created to educate residents and visitors about Hawai‘i’s ancient land division system. To view videos, click here.
Brilliant Minds Media contracted Branscombe Richmond to produce the videos which features Maui’s own Clifford Nae‘ole (cultural advisor and Hawaiian practitioner); Hokulani Holt (Hawaii culture historian); Kui Gapero (school teacher and Hawaiian Cultural historian); and video host Leiohu Richmond.

Maui Nui Ahupuaʻa Signage Project installs first sign in the Moku ʻO Wailuku
This week, the Maui Nui Ahupua‘a Project installed their first sign in the Moku ʻO Wailuku on the UH Maui College campus. The Maui Nui Ahupua‘a Project was created to bring awareness and revitalize the traditional Hawaiian ahupuaʻa names within each moku in Maui County.
Moku ʻO Wailuku Ahupuaʻa Sign Project announces next meeting
The next community meeting for the Moku ʻO Wailuku Ahupuaʻa Sign project will be held from 6 pm to 8 pm on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at the J. Walter Cameron Center Auditorium located at 95 Mahalani Street in Wailuku.

Second meeting announced for Moku ʻO Wailuku Ahupuaʻa Sign Project
The second community meeting for the Moku ʻO Wailuku Ahupuaʻa Sign project will be held from 6 pm to 8 pm on Monday, January 6, 2020 at the J. Walter Cameron Center Auditorium located at 95 Mahalani Street in Wailuku. This is an opportunity for the public to provide feedback and to continue the conversation on the Wailuku ahupuaʻa.

Moku ʻO Wailuku Ahupuaʻa Sign Project Seeks Community Input
Public input is being sought for the new Moku ʻO Wailuku Ahupuaʻa Sign project. The first community meeting will be held from 6 pm to 8 pm on Tuesday, November 26 at the J. Walter Cameron Center Auditorium in Wailuku.